A Chocolate Cake You Can Never Miss


A Chocolate Cake You Can Never Miss

This is so easy and quick to make that after a point you will not need to look at the recipe, you will know it by heart. The better the chocolate you are using, the better the cake will be.

 Follow the step-by-step instructions with the photos below.


– 7 oz. (200 gm) chocolate
– 4.25 oz. (120 gm) butter
– 4 eggs
– 4.25 oz. (120 gm) granulated sugar
– 1 tablespoon flour

• Pre-heat the oven at 350°F (180°C)
• Cut the chocolate in pieces
• Melt it in the microwave. Start with 1 minute, check and add 1 minute, depending on your microwave power. Be careful not to burn it.
• Add the butter in the chocolate. Put back in the microwave for 1 minute. Mix when all melted.
• Add the sugar. Mix with a mixer.
• Add the egg. Mix with a mixer.
• Add the flour. Mix with a wooden spoon, then the mixer.
• Spray butter in the mold before pouring the batter.
• Bake for 20 minutes at 350°F (180°C)

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